Dear Diary 2
Dear diary (1-08-’14), *~ Time in which we are living, The day in what we are doing. Can you memories the memory of your breath? Can you see the flame in childhood? Muse in the time And time, that decide your way to thinking. ~* Dear diary (2-08-‘14), *~ You're talking about beauty? So I say, our mind does not work like blank, that kind of beauty ~* Dear diary (3-08-’14), *~ Ask the existence of ‘Why’ Where you from? Try to determinate the things, In that creation of certain is looking for ‘Why’ ~* Dear diary (4-08-‘14), *~ Its a lifelong learning process In which we live every single moment And in it if you understand the fact, You will away from reality ~* Dear diary (5-08-‘14), *~ Its only when I dream And when I dream, Everything is possible Open the heavenly gateway of Imagination It is a open eyes dream To prove; it is true We can make it real cuz anything is possible ~* Dear diary (6-08-‘14), *~ It's l...